HKS, Inc Chinese Legal Disclaimer

HKS, Inc.(以下简称“本公司”)最近发现有第三方公司冒充本公司的子公司或关联公司,盗用本公司的信息和设计作品,擅自以本公司的子公司或关联公司的名义在中国境内进行市场宣传或从事建筑设计咨询服务,意图造成客户对本公司及服务的混淆和误认,达到欺骗客户的目的。为避免客户混淆和误认,维护本公司合法权益,本公司特郑重声明如下:
HKS, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) recently identified the following acts of third parties with the intent of misleading the customers or causing confusion to customers with respect to the Company or the services provided by the Company: (i) falsely alleging to be the subsidiary or affiliate of the Company without authorization, (ii) stealing or use of information and design works of the Company without the Company’s consent, or (iii) conducting marketing activities or providing architectural design and consulting services in China in the name of a subsidiary or affiliate of the Company without authorization. To avoid any misleading or confusion to the customers and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the Company, the Company hereby makes the following announcements:

The Company is a large multinational architectural design company with over 80 years of operation and headquartered in Dallas, the United States. The Company has 24 branch offices throughout the world. HKS Architects (China) Co., Ltd. (“HKS Shanghai”) is one of the 24 branch offices throughout the world and is a wholly-owned subsidiary in China established by the Company in 2010. HKS Shanghai is the sole branch office of the Company in mainland China. The Company, HKS Shanghai and any of their respective affiliates or subsidiaries are collectively referred to as “HKS”.

HKS has never authorized or designated any third-party company or individual other than the Company or HKS Shanghai to conduct any marketing activities, participate in any tender or bid for any projects, or provide any architectural design and consultation services in China in the name of a subsidiary or affiliate of HKS. Nor has HKS licensed or authorized any third-party company or individual other than the Company or HKS Shanghai to use any trademark, trade name, logo or other information in connection with HKS in China.

With respect to architectural design and consultation projects in China, HKS shall not be liable for any contracts, agreements or documents, except for those to which the Company or HKS Shanghai is a contracting party.

HKS strongly condemns any unfair competition acts of third parties such as conducting any marketing or business activities in the name of HKS, HKS Shanghai or the subsidiary or affiliate of HKS without due authorization. Such acts have infringed the legitimate rights and interests (including without limitation the enterprise name right) of HKS. HKS reserves the right to take any legal action against the relevant third parties to pursue their liabilities.

如社会各界人士发现涉嫌从事上述违法行为的第三方,请保留相关证据并及时联系本公司(邮箱[email protected]
If you have identified any third party that is suspected of committing any of the above illegal acts, please keep the relevant evidence and promptly contact us at [email protected].